Life Management


Life is freely given to us, but managing it is our responsibility. Managing life is not an easy task. It takes looking at it objectively & observing what you’re doing with it. 

Life management involves:

  • Process
  • Changing habits
  • Self-management
  • Motivation, determination & perseverance


Knowing what life management involves, the next thing is how to manage it. 

6 Ds of Life Management

Determine your vision. Vision describes a future identity.

Develop a mission statement. Mission describes why something will be achieved

Decide on your personal policies. Personal policies state how something is going to be; a declaration or forthright statement; it’s a way or procedure to keep your focus.

Document your goals. Goals must be consistent with your purpose – it’s your aim; a destination.

Draw up a plan of action. Plan of action shows how you are going to carry out the goal in a structured manner; it’s arranging or working out the details of the goal – strategies.

Do the work. Take action by putting feet to the vision, goals & plans.


“Life management is not about busyness;
it is about productiveness and effectiveness
– major on the major things in life,
not the minors.” 

(Fashad Asl, The “No Excuses” Mindset: A life of Purpose, Passion, and Clarity)


Dr. T. Scott
Optimum Living Expert
